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My favourite part of the game is when the game states that your characters use a few random poses. It goes on for a little while to reveal the character's body and how they use things in general. It's extremely neat, and I've found that every single single character in the game was used as a test subject. My biggest wish for this part of the demo was that I could take character parts to play around with. Overall I thought that this had a really good game, and if you've ever heard of any good ones, I'm sure it'll make you want to try it out. The animation is amazing as well as the character designs, and the music is excellent – much worse than any of the other titles that I've seen from Valve - and the controls are great too. There isn't anything particularly bad about this, but it does take a while to start getting used to the combat and the visuals. It seems that I'm almost never surprised by the animation quality of this game, because I like using my hands and just being able to move as if my palms were on my hips. I feel that it has a decent amount of difficulty, and the ending of the game can be interesting enough to skip the ending from time to time, so I'll just play around with it. It turns out that there are so many interesting things that could be done with this game.
