Catfight blonde vs brunette

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They meet inside a pool. Later her brother goes to give sex to her. He sees her and she tells him he never gave her what she chose. It's a show and I like it. It's really well produced. Maybe some good episodes. But it's never got the right vibe. It's something different. A little bit of the '90s in here and a little bit of the '90s in there. I think this is one of the more interesting shows on cable. There are so many things going on in the show. It's also very realistic. It's a show from 1997 when, when she was making such an amazing impression at the time on the world, then we knew we couldn't make another American show with her anymore. Now it's her show, that's what it takes in order to get her onto the big screen. I hope it's not a total departure from the original. It might have changed up some way. It's about a very special little character there and a little bit of the '90s for her. We did a bunch of stuff in the pilot that we didn't have time in. We put some things on the fly and put one season out there.
