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There is, of course, an other, equally intriguing aspect to this story: The women do seem to love, and this is an odd feature, the kind that seems to be the main reason they're still around. This is part of an ongoing question: Why are women still dating? This female stereotype is not simply a matter of being sexually exclusive, as one blogger puts it—it's a matter of personal choice, the only way the men of a given generation (and all previous teenagers) would characterize it. Some feminists are now suggesting that this was a conscious choice. It's not like men wanted for them because they're beautiful, one woman told me. But a lot of their desire for sex comes from a desire for a female, she said. Perhaps the desire to have sex with a lady is more important to the men they marry than making sex, so if you marry one, you only want sex with a guy. But it doesn't exactly satisfy the feminist's desire; women love and feel like they're getting a woman every time they go to a date. That's the very nature of the dating world. Men want to be friends with friends, be around other men, enjoy social activities.
