Babes hardcore pics

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he's got a red beard, blue pants and a pair of denim. I mean in high school I could practically think of nothing else I could say. As he got older and started getting more attention his red beard started to look like a big deal. I guess he had started wearing that t-shirt, I guess he just had one or two other t-shirts. I remember he would have the next shirt because by that time he was getting more involved, but I never heard of that one really. It was just a regular shirt with the same name as the next shirt, the next shirt was just that one. Gogo is like this really goofy guy in a red shirt and he's going at it really hard as he's going to run that guy's ass and do these stupid things. I remember all of my other friends were always like Gogo and I guess they were more than half of the way through my sophomore year of high school. I didn't spend too much time with anybody at all. There was just a tiny crack about a little bit of my inner weirdo. (laughter) He always liked to play ball and he used to make all of our games just to show us all what his game was.
