Naked american teens

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I said at the beginning of the event it should be about their families, their families had been murdered, their families had been raped, their families had been raped all their lives and had been raped when they were 7 years old. I'm not saying that the people were murdered because they fought in that war, or because of their father's politics, or because of their ethnicity, or because of their country, or they felt that because of those people that they would do nothing. It's just my views on what is happening right now and where we should go from here. That's why I came there because I believe that we had a better future. And I also believe that it was a better place than what I have experienced today for seven years. All of us here are coming from another land where there were no wars, no ethnic cleansing, no segregation. It was a lot easier than that today. And that's why I am here. The fight isn't over. There's still work to do. You won't come back. The fight is not over. We'll need our courage and our determination in this battle for all of america. We're here to make this a nation where the military can be expected to do their job for everybody.
