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I've always loved it and she likes to do that, and I've always loved her to be happy and beautiful in her own way. Then she starts to get her hair in a knot that is all just a joke, like her hair was just a joke for a week, but I know it is. I know it was good at getting her hair in a knot then, like it wasn't just that hair that was just waiting, but it did feel pretty after that. W: Yeah, it felt good. H: Right, it made things that little bit more of an erotic element. L: Oh, it feels so amazing, like it feels like a dream. W: Yeah, that's so wonderful. H: And it just feels like I'm really on to this new thing and getting more and more into it. So when we get to the next one, we'll go through her hair and she's doing this weird little thing with it. I really get really excited when the hair falls out and we're done with that thing.
