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If you're looking for a young woman to talk with, read on for a very real experience from someone you love. A woman called The Dread God had decided to try out for a part-time position as a porn star. She was at home, watching TV and drinking coffee whenever a big guy came looking for a man. Her porn career was already done. She had a boyfriend. The man was from New York who was making fun of her for her clothes and asked to go by some pseudonym he'd never seen before. He asked her to come with him on a date. She said he didn't look very smart and he liked the fact that he was a bad person, and that she didn't want to do it because she would lose the money and her money would be thrown into the bank. She found out about the man and called him the Dread God. She was so hot as the man told her. She called their friend, Rachel Kuzmin, who was at home and helped her get ready to go out. She decided to come down for a long time and it was a great experience. She was so turned on to him that she was even calling Rachel some other name that was not her but her girlfriend.
