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That was not a joke, it is simply the truth. There does not exist a right way to experience the world. However, in the light of the history of sexual violence in North Korea, the question for the public and people who know more about these subjects is how do you feel about such an issue and, if you will, have the courage to discuss the issue publicly and clearly. The following question is an edited transcript of our conversation at a recent international forum organized by World-Wide Network for the Study of Sexual Violence by the Japanese Embassy in Berlin. Many of the participants in the forum have worked as teachers (including Dr. Katsuya Nakagawa from North Carolina, Katsuya Ota, Professor of Japanese Literature and Social Sciences) and have an interest in studying the nature of psychological trauma in general. Although the questioners and researchers on the event, including Dr. Katsuya, Dr. Nakagawa, their colleagues, and their readers, were not a new group of Japanese, this was their first meeting. Here is how we met here.
