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Every time I watch this, it feels like my body slowly pulls something away from my body. I know someone can do this, but a lot more women can. In some weird way, it keeps me a bit aroused for a long time. I can't help but look at an attractive female body, but I can not look at men just yet, which is fine, as long as we are looking at the same person. The same is true of the men I have with porn. As we move in the direction that is most erotic and ideal for me, I see other women in our relationships who are getting a sense that something they don't really understand is really important and needs to be dealt with in a safe and nurturing way. For this reason, I try to work away from the focus on just showing me. I do this because I really feel in my nature as a woman of that time and place that I would never have felt for a man without porn.
