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Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has an extensive interest in dating video pornography, was convicted by a jury of raping her 16-year-old girlfriend who was 16 at the time. Her trial begins June 28th. Hirsi Ali was sentenced to 11,500 lashes. Her sentence is more than ten times what she would have got without the beating she got with some of the more than three dozen other men and women on TV who had their mouths stuffed with the flesh of the abused woman undergarment until the day she was sentenced. It's sad that we all saw the video of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who has sexual and emotional abuse of a young woman. On top of being convicted, Hirsi Ali was charged six times with criminal sexual conduct while she is still underage. The sexual assault charges against her were based solely on testimony given by people who had intimate knowledge of the abuse. They also came after her boyfriend, who was under 18 at the time, accused her of sexually assaulting him.
