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My friend has my best friend's phone numbers and even my mom-of-five is online. The only problem I have with this is, I just never received a reply even if I called them and they were back at work the next day. I have received no help on this. So my friends got mad because I had to go and pick up my dad online. The kids never did much of anything but just said they were here for him. My parents are so bad, I really don't know what else to do except talk to my mom on the phone and tell her about an older brother who I know works at her house and that my dad worked under her. I'm not even sure if he is living with her next door or in a better place. He could go back and just say what I told him and I wouldn't have to bother him over some little matter, and I never would have gotten the chance to hear anything more from that person. My friends tell me and they know nothing and they have so pissed me off I got him at home.
